History Alive is a paranormal docuseries created by Darren Zancan. Backed by the Lexington paranormal society, the television series is dedicated to unveiling the rich history behind some of America’s most haunted locations. The cast and crew have traveled across the Midwest and the South scouting locations from Tennessee to Indiana. Previous episodes have featured Kentucky’s Waveland and White Hall State Historic Sites, as well as the infamous Crown Point Jail in Indiana.
Docuseries: Historical Paranormal
Production Time
30 Minutes Per Episode
Show runner Darren Zancan wrote the series in early 2021, filming the first four episodes mid-summer of that same year. A workplace comedy set in the bowels of a nursing home, ‘the home’ is laugh-out-loud hilarity with an all-star cast comprised of an Oscar award-winning actress, a former WWE star, current TV personalities, and phenomenal up-and-coming actors and actresses.
Workplace Comedy
Production Time
30 Minutes Per Episode